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Dealing with the Anxiety of Twins Loose in Public

Dealing With the Anxiety of Twins Loose in Public

Taking multiple young kids out in public is a stressful business. Twin moms are more prone to anxiety yet I’m determined to find a sense of calm. I hope to enjoy public activities with the kids again because recently I come home exhausted and overwhelmed by the anxiety of twins. But is it them or … Read more

Teaching Kids About Self-Care

Teaching Kids About Self-Care

This post is sponsored by Natrol but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. We live in a world of increased mental and physical health concerns and in response, there is a growing trend for pro-active self-care. ‘Self-care‘ is a term I had never heard ten years ago but now I stumble across it … Read more

Simple Ham Hock Risotto

Simple Ham Hock Risotto: Teaching Kids about Nose to Tail

This simple ham hock risotto is the perfect way to start a discussion about meat consumption, nose-to-tail and sustainability. The recipe uses meat from around the joint while making a stock with the bones to cook the risotto with. Ham hock is often forgotten about but is readily available, delicious and really affordable! As consumers, … Read more

Do Twins Skip a Generation

Do Twins Skip a Generation?

There are a number of gray areas when it comes to twin pregnancy. Science doesn’t know all the answers yet but the theories are always intriguing. It is commonly accepted that fraternal twins run in the family, but this doesn’t mean we know exactly when someone will become pregnant with twins? Do twins skip a generation? … Read more
