Twin Parenting

Advice based on personal experience with parenting twins. Resources for parents of multiples and those expecting twins. Twin pregnancy through to elementary school.

What Happens When the Dominant Twin Loses Power?

It is common for roles of dominance and submissiveness in twins to develop as they become toddlers. It’s only natural ...
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Dealing With the Anxiety of Twins Loose in Public

Taking multiple young kids out in public is a stressful business. Twin moms are more prone to anxiety yet I’m ...
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Guest Post: Tips & Tricks for Breastfeeding Twins

Preparing for breastfeeding twins is a daunting prospect. Today I’m welcoming a guest to share her experience with successfully breastfeeding ...
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Why Creativity and DHA are Important in Toddler Development

I received product and compensation from Mead Johnson Nutrition to create this post written by me. All experiences and opinions ...
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Do Twins Skip a Generation?

There are a number of gray areas when it comes to twin pregnancy. Science doesn’t know all the answers yet but ...
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5 Revealing Early Signs of Twin Pregnancy

More and more women are becoming pregnant with twins. Whether multiple birth runs in your family, you had fertility treatment ...
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How to Get Started with Baby Bathtime and Sensitive Skin

  Baby bath time is more than a hygiene necessity, it’s an opportunity to learn, have fun and bond with ...
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How to Do Something Amazing with Cord Blood Banking

    Have you ever heard about cord blood banking? I’m so excited to be sharing some info on this ...
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Encouraging Toddlers to Make Sentences with Their Words

As parents, we can’t wait to hear those first words, it’s one of our most anticipated developmental milestones. But once ...
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Clever Stuff for Twins to Sleep In

I started writing a post about essential twin gear a couple of days ago and got totally sidetracked by all ...
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