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10 Signs You Have Had Family to Stay

I’ve been a little distant on social media this past week because I’ve had family in town to celebrate the Twins’ birthday. It’s these family members’ first visit to us since we moved to the US nearly three years ago, so we’ve enjoyed showing off the local sights and eating twice as much as we usually do. … Read more

Twins First Year

Twins’ First Year: A New Challenge Every Month

My boys are turning one, hooray! Like all parents at this stage, we will be celebrating their first year, but also our own survival. We made it… high five, cake and champagne all round (don’t worry, I won’t be giving the babies champagne). Twin or singleton, Baby’s first year is something special. I chose that word carefully because there’s lots … Read more

Pork and apple burgers with tarragon

Pork and Apple Burgers with Tarragon

The Twins have been my tasting panel for a while now and have been keeping me on my toes with baby/toddler friendly recipes. I’ve been introducing them to some meats lately and decided to keep things moist and naturally sweet with these delicious pork and apple burgers. And my new herb to tickle their taste buds … Read more

Video Games & Children: Are Yours Hooked Yet?

Earlier this year, my daughter Elsie started playing video games. I don’t mean one of those free fairy makeover apps, I mean a proper games console. My husband had been waiting for this moment for six years, she was finally old enough to start basic training. Fast forward six months and she’s pretty hooked… but have we … Read more

Open Letter to IKEA From a Twin Mom

Dear IKEA I don’t visit your store very often because it’s too much fun and I spend too much money, despite considering IKEA products good value. Like many Moms, I enjoy a browse of your showroom. I dream of a tidy, coordinated and stylish home with just the right amount of tarnished steel and mustard yellow accents. I have been … Read more

pea risotto cakes

Baby Finger Food: Minty Pea Risotto Cakes

A message for risotto lovers everywhere… do not throw away your leftovers! This recipe may seem labour intensive, because it takes you from the beginning, but you can make risotto cakes out of any variety of risotto. I would highly recommend having yourself a lovely minty pea risotto dinner and using what’s left to make some cakes the following day. Perfect … Read more

The Obligatory Pumpkin Patch Outing

When I was a child, the Pumpkin Patch was definitely not a thing, certainly not in England anyway. Now, it seems to be a Fall staple, and despite making it six years into motherhood unscathed, last weekend I found myself on the obligatory Pumpkin Patch family outing. “What IS a Pumpkin Patch?” I asked my husband … Read more
