
Parenting advice from baby and toddlers through to elementary school. Packing lunchboxes, bathtime routines and even making the most of screentime.

Is My Kid Bored or Struggling with ADHD?

The external symptoms of general boredom and ADHD can seem very similar. If your child isn’t excelling at school and ...
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Shopping for Bulk Essentials with Multiple Kids in Tow

    How’s your holiday season treating you?! It’s my birthday tomorrow and I try to use it as an ...
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Why Do Kids Develop Obsessive Interests?

With Christmas around the corner, I’ve had many family members ask “What are the Kids into these days?”. They grow ...
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Staying Ahead of Diaper Rash: Prevention & Treatment

    Staying ahead of diaper rash can be tough. We’re currently dabbling with the idea of potty training, and ...
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Finding Time for Your Older Child

My daughter has had quite the shock to the system. Not only did she have six years to get used ...
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How to Get Three Kids out of the House on Time

I’ve been away… hooray! I actually spent an entire weekend on my own for a friends wedding… three nights to ...
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Kids that Won’t Clean Up: The Magic Toy Library

Last year I told you all about my daughter (then six) and her fantastic talent for what we call ‘Poopcrastination‘. ...
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The Cost of Disposable, Cloth, Biodegradable Diapers: How Green is Your Diaper?

The choice for diapering these days has become overwhelming. Companies have come up with an amazing myriad of products to serve your ...
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Why My Daughter Is Going to Science Camp This Summer

It feels like my daughter spends a lot of time at school… that will soon become very apparent when she’s ...
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Outdoor Creative Activities for Kids – Featuring NaturePrint Paper

Having reached the grand old age of seven, Elsie is now an expert in pretty much everything. Today she’s offering up a range ...
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