Shopping for Bulk Essentials with Multiple Kids in Tow

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How’s your holiday season treating you?! It’s my birthday tomorrow and I try to use it as an excuse to do less, but in reality, the excitement of Christmas and New Year gets everyone in a flutter. And why not… it only comes once a year and it’s all so much fun. Shopping for bulk essentials is tough when you have multiple young children in tow, and when you’re entertaining family and friends over the holidays, the last thing you need is to run out of TP

I’ve tried a few different ways to manage the weekly shop with the gang under my feet, and today I’m sharing tips on how to keep it simple and pick up everything you need without losing your mind.

shopping for bulk essentials pin

Like many moms of multiple young children, I struggle to get everybody around the grocery store efficiently, especially when shopping for bulk essentials. Most of the carts are made for one child, and if you’re lucky enough to find one with a toy car stuck to the front you’ll be sure to deal with plenty of sibling fighting while taking out a pensioners or two as you turn a corner. 

shopping for bulk essentials shopping cart
It always starts well…

Tips For Grocery Shopping

  • Make a grocery list. I’ve got to say, I’m not very good at this, but when I do, shopping always goes smoothly. My boys are happy when we’re on the move, babies and toddlers alike do not like being strapped down and stationary. No time to dawdle… know what you want and keep moving!
  • Don’t go close to nap time. I did this recently after losing track of time and it really adds unnecessary stress. I’ve snapped at checkout staff and literally ran down aisles in the past when the boys were tiny and our feeding schedule didn’t leave much time. It’s really no fun for anyone.
  • Make it fun for everyone. Boredom is a mom’s worst enemy, so keep those kiddos interested by including them in what you’re doing. Discuss recipe ideas with older kids, point out weird looking fruit and veg to the little ones. I use it as a good way to work on the Twins speech therapy
  • Use your stroller. If you’re in the market for a double stroller, look carefully at the storage basket beneath. To begin with, I felt a little weird putting unpaid shopping underneath, but I assure you no-one thinks you’re stealing. The stroller is so much easier to maneuver, and you don’t have to leave the little ones in the car while you go find a shopping cart.
  • Shop online. If you’re limited by the basket beneath your stroller, keep your grocery store trips for picking up fresh items you want to hand pick. Items such as toilet paper will fill the basket on their own and if you know you like Scott TP, there’s really no need to browse.
When Mom gets to go to the store without the kids for in-store pick-up!

Shopping for Bulk Essentials Online

We are hosting New Year for friends next week and are going to need plenty of the bulk essentials to get us through. I have no intention of heading to the grocery store with the kids to stock up on items such as drinks, toilet paper, and paper towel. These items are simply too big and bulky.

  • Buy bulky essentials online and have them delivered directly to your door. Walmart’s prices are always fabulous on bulk essentials and they offer free 2-day delivery!
scott walmart shopping for bulk essentials online busy mom
Why head to the store when you can order from home?
  • Set up online subscriptions. We receive our diapers and baby wipes on a monthly basis without having to reorder, and many stores offer shopping for bulk essentials through subscription services.
  • Buy online and pick-up in-store. Often I save the bulky essentials for my husband to pick-up or I nip out quickly when he’s home to stock up. Walmart is a big store, and it’s really easier to pop in and pick-up when you’ve already ordered online. Some items even offer a pick-up discount!
shopping for bulk essentials pickup walmart
Look for the orange sign for your pick up area.
  • Buy online and pick-up from the car. As well as their in-store pick-up service, Walmart Grocery offers a service where you can order groceries and bulk essentials online, book a pick-up time and have the shopping directly loaded into the car. I’ve been meaning to try this for ages and finally took it for a test run… it’s game-changing!
Pick-up the same day and never leave the car!

Wishing You a Simple but Messy New Year!

I hope you all have a lovely holiday season and New Year… filled with lots of mess and family fun. Don’t forget to stock up on your essentials like paper towels… you know there will be plenty of spills to clean up!

shopping for bulk essentials scott paper towels
Scott will be soaking up the mess this holiday!


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About the author

Katherine is an electrochemist, hiking enthusiast, and family lifestyle blogger. As a mom of three, including twins, she enjoys DIY, travel, and eating good food. British born, Katherine moved to the US in 2014, and now called Las Vegas home.

6 thoughts on “Shopping for Bulk Essentials with Multiple Kids in Tow”

  1. I really need to hop on board for the online options. I guess there is a little joy in getting out, regardless if the kids are acting like crazy animals, lol. Definitely agree with watching out for naptime!

    • It is good to get out and about too, totally agree. And the kids often find the grocery store just as exciting as the park, but it requires some multi-tasking from Mom!

    • When I lived in the UK, grocery delivery was huge! I’m surprised it hasn’t taken off as much here yet. Where’s getting there…


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