Invaluable Online Resources to Help with Breastfeeding Twins

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Breastfeeding twins is a daunting prospect, but never forget knowledge is power. Armed with the right information you’ll be more confident and likely to succeed in your breastfeeding quest. The internet is a powerful place and I’ve put together a bank of online resources aimed at helping you conquer your concerns about breastfeeding twins.

Invaluable Online Resources to Help with Breastfeeding Twins

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Finding a Lactation Consultant

Your OBGYN should be able to put you in touch with a lactation consultant, and you will likely be offered a visit from one for free while staying at the hospital after delivery. Although this helps, I would recommend preparing yourself in advance. If you can afford some sessions with a private lactation consultant you will put yourself in a fantastic position to confidently begin your breastfeeding journey.

You can search the ILCA directory to find all registered lactation consultants in your area. It’s OK to ask your potential lactation consultant what specific experience they have with twins, sessions can be pricey and you want to make the most of it!

How to Breastfeed Twins

Free Online Breastfeeding Consultant Services:

Not everyone has the funds for private sessions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a lactation consultant to ask questions. There are a few companies and brands which offer free services which are worth taking advantage of:

  • Medela is one of the biggest breast pump brands around and they offer ‘The Mom’s Room‘ which is free to sign up to and allows you ask questions, get personalized advice as well as a few other perks.
  • The Happy Family Feeding Platform offers free access to lactations consultants and experienced moms to answer your questions about feeding your baby. I give more information about the platform in my post about my infant feeding choices.
How to Find a Lactation Consultant

If you’re not sure what a lactation consultant does, this post from Mama Natural is very informative.

Twiniversity Online Breastfeeding Twins Class

Twiniversity runs a number of specialized twin parenting courses, including their invaluable online twin breastfeeding course.

What To Do When You’re Breastfeeding Two’ is an on-demand online breastfeeding class made especially for expectant and new twin moms. The course was created in partnership with Judy Teibloom-Mishkin, a Registered Nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

Breastfeeding Twins Online Course

“I appreciated how the fundamentals of breastfeeding were broken down in the Twiniversity online breastfeeding twins class – from how much to feed preemies/newborns, to the ins and outs of a breast pump. As a first time mom, I feel completely clueless, and this class has helped a lot with that anxiety.”

The course is broken down into instructional videos, troubleshooting modules, and real twin moms’ stories. Plus, you’ll receive helpful cheat sheets and handouts. For less than the cost of one private consultant session, you can receive 52 modules of info curated by an expert in her field.

More information on this course can be found –> here.

YouTube Resources for Twin Moms

Whether you’re looking for a personal Vlog to hear a mom share their experience, or an expert giving instruction, YouTube has an awesome selection of videos to help you feel more confident about breastfeeding twins. I love this video from ‘Tw1nM0mmy‘ showing exactly how she tandem feeds at home on her own:

Melissa makes it look so easy, although she does admit it took her a little time to get there! Videos like this are what YouTube was made for, so have a good browse and see what you can find.

I’ve picked out a couple of other videos which may be exactly what you’re looking for… I really admire the honesty and vulnerability Dana Schmoyer shows in her video about supply and demand when it comes to breastfeeding newborns:

My Personal Thoughts on Supplementing

Although I appreciate Dana’s approach to ‘pushing through’, I personally wished I had supplemented because I always thought it was a choice between breast or formula. My babies lost too much weight while my supply was building and were being prepared to go to the NICU. At this point I chose formula out of fear. In retrospect, I wish I had supplemented with a little formula while pumping to build up a supply.

infant feeding choices for twins

For another experienced Mom sharing her thoughts, I recommend having a view of Megan Bourne’s breastfeeding tips. She has successfully breastfed all six of her children, including twins!

DIY Breastfeeding‘ channel is worth browsing too… loads of videos including a couple specific to breastfeeding twins.

Facebook Resources for Twin Moms

Facebook is where my Twin Pickle moms hang out! If you’re not already following my page, join us -> here. I try to be useful but I also like to laugh… twin mom memes are my jam.

For interactive advice, I recommend joining at least one twin specific Facebook group. Groups allow you to post questions privately away from your regular friends’ view. Twin mom groups are full of helpful conversation… I don’t know where I would have been without them when my boys were newborns.

Breastfeeding specific groups:

Twin mom support groups I love and am a member of… see you there!:

Online groups are awesome, especially when you are housebound. However, it is good to force yourself out and about sometimes and talk to a friendly face. Search the Multiples of America database for a multiples club in your area.

Finding a Twin Mom Group in my Area

Other Mom’s Sharing their Stories & Advice

There are lots of fellow twin mom blogs out there, bursting with useful information about breastfeeding twins. I have had a couple of guest bloggers share their experience here at Twin Pickle and I’m picking a few more of my favorite articles to offer my Top Ten Twin Breastfeeding Blog Posts:

If you have come across an awesome twin feeding resource you found useful, do share it with us in the comments! I’ll leave you with the very determined D’Lynda Kaplan on the technique she settled on to feed her twins:

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About the author

Katherine is an electrochemist, hiking enthusiast, and family lifestyle blogger. As a mom of three, including twins, she enjoys DIY, travel, and eating good food. British born, Katherine moved to the US in 2014, and now called Las Vegas home.

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