7 Ways to Beat Baby Brain & Boost Cognitive Function

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This post is sponsored by MobilityWare but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Whether you’re pregnant or the mother of teenagers, you are probably familiar with the cloudy, forgetful mind of a busy mom. We have a lot to remember and coordinate, and a case of the Baby Brain really doesn’t help. Today I’m sharing ways to boost memory and cognitive function and beat Baby Brain once and for all. I’m also sharing info on a new fave brain game to keep the cogs turning.

7 Ways to Beat Baby Brain and Boost Cognitive Function

The term ‘Baby Brain’ has officially made it into the Cambridge Dictionary:

“The condition of forgetting things and not being able to think clearly that pregnant women are often said to experience”

Now, as anyone that has children knows, it doesn’t end at pregnancy. My brain hasn’t been the same for nearly 10yrs. How often do I walk into a room to get something and forget what I came in for? How difficult can it be to remember Elsie’s violin on a Wednesday? I mean really, I could do with a little more neuron cooperation…

7 Ways to Beat Baby Brain

1 Sleep Glorious Sleep

I know sleep and parenting don’t always go hand in hand, but I suspect it’s the culprit for most Baby Brain related incidents. If the kids keep you up at night try and find time for a power nap. Napping has been proved to improve memory and alertness, even if it’s just a few minutes. So put your feet up!

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2 Breaking Your Routine

I am all too familiar with mom autopilot mode. With the mornings having to run like a well-oiled machine it’s easy to slip into zombie mode. Although routines help us efficiently master the day, it is important to switch things up to keep the brain active. 

Even styling your hair differently, swapping the wrist you wear your watch or calling someone you haven’t spoken to in a while will remind your brain the lights are on and you are indeed home.

3 Brain Games & Pyramid Solitaire

It is widely accepted that exercising the brain with problem solving and puzzles can help boost cognitive function. Research suggests keeping the mind active can reduce your chances of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Plus, taking a little time out to kick back and have fun is always a good idea for self-care!

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Pyramid Solitaire is the fastest growing card game from creators MobilityWare. It’s a new spin on an old classic and is quick to play and perfect to exercise the mind and beat baby brain! 

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Excuse the 1800 unread emails and 100 app updates in the photo above and look for the Pyramid Solitaire icon in green. You can find it in the app store by searching ‘Pyramid‘.  You play by matching pairs of cards that add up to 13, with the game becoming increasingly difficult as you pass through the levels. You are timed, and your number of moves is recorded, so you’ll have plenty of personal bests to beat too!

For a light-hearted look at how to play Pyramid Solitaire, check out my video:

4 A Healthy Diet

Food plays a huge part in brain function and a healthy diet low in saturated fats has been shown to aid cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids are important in the maintenance of normal brain function so stock up on oily fish, walnuts and flax seed. Excess alcohol will do you no favors to beat Baby Brain so step away from that bottle of wine!

5 Exercise

Physical exercise is important for brain function as well as all around fitness. While aerobic exercise is thought to help brain processing speed, weights and strength training has been linked to the growth of nerve cells. I love yoga and it’s perfect for improving brain function because not only am I working out, I’m meditating too. Meditation has been shown to improve memory and decision making, perfect to beat Baby Brain!

Don’t forget the music… working out to music has been shown to improve brain function even further!

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6 Organization

This one is a bit of a chicken and egg situation… Baby Brain causing disorganization, but in order to beat Baby Brain you’ll need to be more organized! Decluttering and being neat and organized will reduce mind chaos and give you the Zen you require to focus clearly. A lot of Baby Brain symptoms are related to distractions and the inability to concentrate. Get your minimalism on the go and clear the mind in the process!

7 Emotional & Social Balance

One cause of postpartum Baby Brain is the solitude of being around kids all day. However lovely my three are, as a SAHM, talking to an actual adult is quite the luxury. A good conversation will blow the cob webs out in no time, so call a friend, break the routine and head out for a chin wag.

Beat Baby Brain Brain Games

If you’re suffering from a case of the Baby Brain, consider making a few small changes to your lifestyle… it can make all the difference. And don’t forget to download Pyramid Solitaire for free, it’s the perfect accompaniment for a cup of tea!

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About the author

Katherine is an electrochemist, hiking enthusiast, and family lifestyle blogger. As a mom of three, including twins, she enjoys DIY, travel, and eating good food. British born, Katherine moved to the US in 2014, and now called Las Vegas home.

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