Loperamide Awareness: Understanding My Kids’ OTC Medication

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This post was sponsored by Influence Central as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

As a parent of three young children, I’m always striving to do what is best for their health and safety. One of those priorities is to make the right decisions about medical care and over the counter remedies. Are you actively looking at the labels of the medications your kids are taking? Today I’m spreading the word on Loperamide and the FDA’s actions to encourage safe use. Knowledge is power, and I feel better as a parent for knowing more about the contents of some OTC medications. 

Loperamide Awareness Understanding my Kids Over the Counter Medication

When it comes to medical advice it’s always best to consult a physician. But when it comes to the small stuff like a bout of travelers tummy, we often turn to the pharmacy and over the counter medications to get the family back on track. The trouble is I don’t know anything about the ingredients… a jumble of unpronounceable words that mean very little to me at all. I’ve recently learned more about Loperamide, and I hope I can bring you a little extra confidence by helping you understand what it is and why the FDA has concerns about its use.

Happy Healthy Family Kids Medication

What is Loperamide?

We are approaching the Holiday season and many of us will overindulge.  Between traveling, rich food, and sharing tummy bugs, diarrhea can happen to us all. As a parent of two gluten intolerant boys, I am well versed in dealing with diarrhea… oh the joys of parenthood! Loperamide is FDA-approved to help control symptoms of diarrhea and is often the active ingredient in over the counter treatments.

Loperamide, if used in recommended doses, is completely safe. But if taken in large doses, it mimics the effects of opioids. The FDA has even asked retailers to voluntarily stop carrying large count loperamide products. 

Feeling confident about Choosing Kids Medication

It Happens to us All

70% of travelers will suffer from diarrhea, although most adults will choose to ride it out. Us grown ups… we don’t like to make a fuss when it comes to our poop. When it’s happening to ourselves we feel confident we’ll know when we need medical intervention. But with young children, it can be difficult to know exactly what’s going on, and often we reach for the familiar over the counter medications. 

On average, children have 5-7 episodes of diarrhea per year. Kiddos are sensitive little things and it often doesn’t take much to turn their tummies. The most common way to resolve tummy troubles is through over the counter remedies, yet it often does not address the underlying issue or cause of diarrhea. Giving my boys Loperamide is not going to cure them of their gluten intolerance for example. 

Family health kids medication

Spreading Awareness of Loperamide

The opioid crisis is real, and affecting an increasing number of families.  Unfortunately, the abuse of over the counter (OTC) medications containing Loperamide is a huge problem, and the FDA has asked retailers to stop carrying large count packages. I hope this move can reduce the risk associated with the misuse of Loperamide

Loperamide awareness is also a reminder that over the counter medications should also be carefully considered and administered with the recommended dose only. Always read the label carefully and store medicine away from little ones’ reach. These active ingredients are powerful and we want our loved ones to stay safe and healthy. Consult a physician is you have concerns for the health of your family.

I’m not here to preach about what you should or shouldn’t give your kids, but I always try to consider natural medications if they are available before jumping for the heavy stuff. I often have to remind myself to check the label on medications for ingredients and potential side effects. I’m doing my part by sharing with you, and I hope you can do the same by spreading the word to other parents. 

Choosing Kids Medication and FDA Recommendations


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About the author

Katherine is an electrochemist, hiking enthusiast, and family lifestyle blogger. As a mom of three, including twins, she enjoys DIY, travel, and eating good food. British born, Katherine moved to the US in 2014, and now called Las Vegas home.

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