5 Ways Yogurt Pouches Make Mornings Easier

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Tracking PixelConvenience, organization, and training go into getting three kids to school and daycare on time. It’s the little things that make a big difference in the morning… Don’t underestimate how one small change can save you time and get you to school on time! In partnership with Stonyfield® Organic Kids® I’m sharing how to make mornings that little bit easier.

5 Ways Yogurt Pouches Make Mornings Easier

Back to school mornings are an eye-opener. I started off optimistic but by the end of the first week we were already scraping the drop-off deadline. I always start fresh on a Monday with ambitions of being that little bit more efficient, but I also like to be realistic and come up with new ways to make my mornings easier.

Elsie likes a lie-in and the even the Twins take awhile to get going. However early I start it always feels like a rush. Between the Boys fighting over whose waffle the dog ate and Elsie’s talent for procrastination it really is a challenge. 

Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches Whole Milk

Morning Mom Hacks Made Easier with Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches

Keep Breakfast Speedy and Tidy

I’m all for a well-rounded nutritious breakfast but if we’re running out of time it also has to be fast. When you have two toddlers and a surprisingly messy 8yr-old you can waste a lot of time cleaning up after breakfast. I mean the kitchen AND the children.

Finger food makes mornings a lot quicker and cleaner for those emergency days. Try making a peanut butter pancake sandwich, easy to pick up and won’t leave them covered in oatmeal. Accompanied with fruit and a yogurt and they’re good to go.

Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches with Pancakes for Breakfast

Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches have 25% less sugar than the leading kids’ yogurt. Plus, the pouch means you aren’t left waiting an eternity while your toddler masters the spoon and destroys his shirt. Elsie’s school doesn’t even allow potted yogurts for snack time because the teacher complains the kids take too long to eat them!

Give Some responsibility to Your Older Kid

Elsie is a dreamer and does get distracted easily. But she is also an amazing helper when it comes to her brothers. I can see it empowers her and she enjoys the responsibilities of being a big sister. I often ask her to help the Twins get their socks and shoes on or fill up their water bottles for daycare. 

Keep your Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches at a height your kids can reach them so they can help themselves and speed up your morning. “Elsie, please can you grab the Boys’ a yogurt each? Thank you!”

Be Ready for ‘I’m Hungry’

When you’ve got three kids, it’s a frequent occurrence that one decides just as you reach the garage door that they are still hungry. In the Twins’ case, it’s more of “EAAAT!” accompanied by a dramatic rub of the tummy.

Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches from the fridge

Have car-friendly snacks available for your kids to grab themselves. Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches have resealable caps and are a great on-the-go snack for hunger monsters!

Keep Stocked With Easy Lunchbox Staples 

Whether you’re super organized and make lunchboxes the night before, or you throw something together in the morning, you’ll want it to be quick and easy. I’m happy to make pasta, sandwiches or salads, but a lot of extra faffing can go into snacks. I like to have one snack as a piece of fruit and the other a ready-made grab n go, so I can take a load off. 

Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches Lunchbox

Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches are the perfect addition to my daughter’s lunchbox and I love that they’re made with whole milk to help keep hunger at bay. Stonyfield® Organic Kids® also always use no toxic persistent pesticides, artificial growth hormones, or antibiotics, and are perfect for peace of mind.

Don’t Forget About Mom

Who else often doesn’t get around to eating breakfast themselves? Mom’s breakfast is often the last priority but just a quiet reminder… there is no shame in eating the kid’s snacks. Grab yourself a pouch on the way out the door and it’ll keep you going on your way to work or back home. Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches contain no artificial flavors or colors either!

Stonyfield Organic Kids Pouches Grab n Go

Try and keep mornings as simple and calm as possible. I hate it when I drop Elsie off and realize the morning has only been filled with slightly grumpy mom instructions. If the morning runs smoothly you have a much better chance of creating a positive attitude for the day ahead… for Mom and kids!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Stonyfield® Organic Kids®.

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About the author

Katherine is an electrochemist, hiking enthusiast, and family lifestyle blogger. As a mom of three, including twins, she enjoys DIY, travel, and eating good food. British born, Katherine moved to the US in 2014, and now called Las Vegas home.

6 thoughts on “5 Ways Yogurt Pouches Make Mornings Easier”

  1. Stonyfield is such a great brand of products. So good and not all the junk in them. These look fabulous for easy mornings. We pack lunches the night before to help avoid the morning crazies! This is a great product idea for lunch boxes! I just wish they would do it for dairy free yogurts!! We need those !


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